Saturday, January 25, 2014

Free Asia Dental Costs and Estimates by US Dentist

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Free Asia Dental Costs and Estimates - 

Visit a Bangkok dental clinic or Manila dentist and save up to 75% on your crown, cosmetic dentistry or dental implants!

Finding a Certified Thailand or Philippine Dentist is Easy! Dr. Nelson Henry US DMD Sends Patients to Bangkok and Manila Dentists -


Asia Dental Travel Guide has English speaking dentists who are fully qualified for dental implants, crowns, dental makeovers, oral surgery – all the procedures Western dental tourists are searching when they take a dental vacation and for and at the price of less-trained general dentists in Asia.

Asia Dental Travel Guide recently announced its newest associate American dentist Dr. Nelson Henry DMD. Dr. Henry believes that many people are unable to afford dentistry back home so he sends large treatment patients to Asia dentists.

“Board certified dentists in Asia are high quality dentists,” says the American dentist.   Board certification is very important as certified dentists have many years more dental training beyond what a general dentist has.

The doctor adds: “You do not want a general dentist who has only basic dental schooling doing your root cosmetic dentistry or dental implants.  Much of that involves oral surgery and that takes special training. Even crowns, bridges and root canals take advanced schooling to perform properly.”

Fully accredited dentists in Asia offer all the American and Brit. Dental Association recognized dental specialties for a fraction of the cost as back in the US or UK

With Asian dentists you can save a lot of money on large treatments like dental implants and dental makeovers. Just be safe and sure you are getting your moneys worth by going with a certified dentist. 

Asia Dental Travel Guide is made up of Asian and American dentists, doctors and even a pharmacist dedicated to helping Westerners travel to Asia to save on dentistry.  Our English speaking staff will work with you every step of the way.  

How much can be saved by going to a dentist in Asia?  In the USA a porcelain metal crown can cost from $800usd to $3,000 in a fancy clinic in a big city. The cost for the same crown runs about $350-450 with a certified Bangkok or Manila dentist.

If need a complete dental makeover of 27 teeth in the USA you might spend $50-100,000usd versus $10,000 – 20,000 with certified Manila dentist, or at a Bangkok dentist’s specialist clinic.

 Many exotic and exciting adventures await you when you take an dental vacation to a Manila or Bangkok dentist. 

For more information on taking an Asian Dental Vacation, Free online consultation and Asian dental cost estimate visit the Asia Dental Travel Guide by the Board Certified Asia Dentist Association.


Asia Dental Travel Guide associate dentists are professional certified Bangkok and Philippine dentists who advocate continual learning in the art and science of cosmetic dentistry, dental implants in Asia, and other specialties who maintain the highest standards of professionalism and the promotion of Asia dental vacations for saving money. Kaiser Dental Travel, US Govt. Employees dental ,  UK, Asia Dental Travel Insur., NEA Dental Travel, NEA Dental Plan, Seniors, +55, Aarp Dental Implant Dentist option, other dental travel and health affiliate members, American, British, New Zealand cosmetic dentistry, Australia, Sydney dental implant patients especially welcome.  Content copyright 2004-2014. 

All Rights Reserved Asia Dental Travel Guide, Dental Travel – Asia, Board Certified Asia Dentist Association

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